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Pamphlet Intro: Imagina lo agradable, feliz y productiva podria ser la vida sin la fuerte, abrumida presencia del estrés.

El estrés es la forma en que tu cuerpo se sabe que algo necesita atención o acción. 

Mental health self-assessment pamphlet/brochure on Stress, includes:  

  • Beautiful, human-centered design that attracts attention
  • Content that reflects up-to-date, DSM 5, clinical references
  • Call-outs, action steps and powerfully motivating questions
  • Imprinting is now FREE! 

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    *Must order at least 25 pamphlets per title. Then, quantity breaks are applied based on mix-and-match total of pamphlets (e.g., 10 titles with 25 pamphlets each = 250 total pamphlets @ 1.40/ea).

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