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Pamphlet Intro: Everyone is susceptible to prescription drug abuse, especially young people. As many as one in five teens have taken prescription drugs for a non-medical reason. Easy accessibility and a naiveté to the dangers make this possible. After marijuana and alcohol, prescription medications are the most abused substances in the U.S...

Mental health pamphlet on Teens and Prescription Drug Abuse, includes:  

  • Beautiful, human-centered design that attracts attention
  • Content that reflects up-to-date, DSM 5, clinical references
  • Call-outs, action steps and powerfully motivating questions
  • Imprinting is now FREE! 

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    *Must order at least 25 pamphlets per title. Then, quantity breaks are applied based on mix-and-match total of pamphlets (e.g., 10 titles with 25 pamphlets each = 250 total pamphlets @ 1.40/ea).

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